PDC Course

The way we perceive risk is mainly dependent on our own background. Workers and ordinary people and management have a complete different perception of risk. They mainly focus on hazard instead of risk. In the first part of this PDC we will explain these differences and how it influences workers and management. There will also be some exercises on this topic.

In the second part of the training the topic will be Risk Communication. The difficulties on how to explain the risks to workers and management will be shown and discussed. Our solution is visual communication

There will be a lot of time spend on Video Exposure Monitoring. For the participants we will provide a set of instruction video’s in English for free

Speaker :

Andrea Hiddinga-Schipper Andre Winkes

Date/Time : Sept 9th, 2019 / 08.00 – 17.00 WITA

Registration : PDC Full-Day Session

We are presenting the Noise Control part of PDC 2 – Noise Assessment and Control, comprising:

  • High level controls – elimination/substitution/engineering – simplified to engineering with examples of cost effective controls focusing on low cost solutions
  • Administrative controls – work organization (separation in time/space), training, procedures (e.g. HP administration/enforcement), communication of audiometric test results.
  • Hearing protection – assessment methods/rating systems, types, over and under protection
  • Audiometric testing – brief summary of screening audiology objectives, test method, recording, reporting and interpretation of results, practical demonstration, possibly hands on (time permitting)

Speaker :

Venessa Thelan, MAIOH, COH                              Jeremy Trotman, FAIOH, CIH, COH, CFSIA        Carey Murphy MAIOH, COH, COHProf.

Date/Time : Sept 9th, 2019 / 08.00 – 17.00 WITA

Registration : PDC Full-Day Session

Aerosol deposition in the respiratory tract is function of particle size. Traditional instruments for monitoring occupational dust exposures include a 37-mm open- or closed-face filter cassette. However, these samplers may not provide an accurate approximation of aerosol aspiration efficiency. Progress in our understanding of interactions between aerosolized particles and different regions of human respiratory system spurred development of the ACGIH®/ISO/CEN particle size-selective health-related aerosol size fractions and conventions (respirable, thoracic, and inhalable). In 1989, Sidney Soderholm developed a definite numerical model that comprehensively explains these three size-selective sampling conventions. Several personal samplers have been developed to mimic these three sampling conventions. Performance characteristics of size-selective samplers commercially available will be discussed. Issues related to operation of these samplers will also be reviewed.

Speaker :

CQ Chih-Chieh Chen J, PhD, CIH

Date/Time : Sept 9th, 2019 / 08.00 – 12.00 WITA

Registration : PDC Half-Day Session

Speaker :

Prof. Dino Pisaniello

Date/Time : Sept 9th, 2019 / 13.00 – 17.00 WITA

Registration : PDC Half-Day Session

In the past 10 years, chemical risk assessments under the European Union chemicals legislation of REACH have been performed for thousands of substances. For these assessments, new exposure assessment tools and formats have been developed and applied. In this Professional Development Course we will share experiences with the mostly used exposure assessment tools with the participants:

  1. ECETOC-TRA Worker (developed by CEFIC, Belgium)
  2. Stoffenmanager (developed by TNO and ArboUnie, Netherlands)
  3. EMKG-EXPO-tool (developed by BAuA, Germany)

This Professional Development Course is developed for occupational hygienists and is based on practical experiences, materials and approaches successfully implemented by the trainers in many companies world-wide.

After a short introduction and demonstration of each of the above mentioned exposure assessment tools, participants will work on practical exercises (more than 50% of the available time!).  It is indeed a real workshop! You will be invited to do exposure assessments with these tools on substances or mixtures that are relevant for your company.


Knowledge of the basics of exposure assessment of chemicals in the working atmosphere is required. Participants are requested to bring a laptop with MS Office software or similar to work on the exercises.

Speaker :

Joost van Rooij

Date/Time : Sept 9th, 2019 / 08.00 – 17.00 WITA

Registration : PDC Full-Day Session

Speaker :

DR. Sjahrul M. Nasri, M.Sc. in Hyg   

Date/Time : Sept 10th, 2019 / 08.00 – 17.00 WITA

Registration : PDC Full-Day Session

The use of direct reading instrumentation for the evaluation of workplace exposures has increased rapidly in recent years as more compact and better-quality instruments have come onto the market. But have you ever thought about the limitations of these devices or what can go wrong in the field?

The presenter will take a practical approach to answering some of these questions with real   life examples from the collective experiences of the presenters used to demonstrate the precautions that should be taken to ensure an accurate workplace assessment.

This PDC, which focuses on dust, gas and vapor detection, explores the principles behind direct reading instruments, including detection methods and their limitations, how results are generated and the assumptions and potential errors in how these results are obtained and used.

The PDC will include a number of group exercises designed to highlight some of the practical applications and limitations of the use of direct reading instruments.

Speaker :

Aleks Todorovic

Date/Time : Sept 10th, 2019 / 08.00 – 17.00 WITA

Registration : PDC Full-Day Session

Fatigue can be an issue in workplaces and needs to be managed the same as any other hazard. This PDC will look at, and discuss, some of the causes of fatigue in the workplace and the risks that can result from this condition both to the individual and also productivity.  Participants are encouraged to share their experiences. We will then look at practical systems to assess these risks and ways in which they can be managed.

Speaker :

Derek Miller

Date/Time : Sept 10th, 2019 / 08.00 – 17.00 WITA

Registration : PDC Full-Day Session

External climate and workplace exposure to heat,  influence body temperature in addition to metabolic heat produced by human body. However human body has various way to cool itself. When the cooling mechanism in the body does not effective anymore, heat stress can occur which their adverse health effects will be depend on their severity and categorized as different heat related illnesses (HRIs).

Undertaking a heat stress risk assessment using correct and suitable tool reference to working condition, geographical climate which comply with local regulation is first primary step in the success of managing heat stress risk.

Strategies on preventing heat stress in the workplace may require more than common approach such as acclimation, workers hydration, work planning, ventilation, education and PPE. Local culture as well as challenge such as extreme climate may need robust Heat Stress Prevention Program. PDC will bring also real experience on assessment, responding and management heat stress cases in the work place.

Speaker :

Hanafi Basuni Karyum

Date/Time : Sept 10th, 2019 / 08.00 – 17.00 WITA

Registration : PDC Full-Day Session