Membership Type

Type of Membership

IIHA Membership is categorized into several categories. The categorization is based on current profession and background education. Types of IIHA membership are:

  • Full Member | Anggota Penuh:
    • Graduated from an accredited institution holding a baccalaureate degree in industrial hygiene, chemistry, physics, engineering, biology, or other discipline approved by written Board policy.
    • She / He has been engaged a majority of time for at least three years in industrial hygiene or occupational and environmental health and safety activities as defined by the Board of Directors.
    • The social sciences are not considered as qualifying sciences. Where an applicant does not have a qualifying baccalaureate degree, experience may be substituted on the basis of two years of qualifying experience for one year of undergraduate education.
    • Full-time graduate study in one of the disciplines listed above may be accepted on an equivalent time basis for any portion of the required three years of experience.
    • A Full member may serve on committees, vote, and be elected to the Board of Directors of the Association.
  • Associate Member | Anggota Muda:
    • Graduated from an accredited institution of higher learning, holding an associate degree in industrial hygiene, chemistry, physics, engineering, biology, or other discipline approved in writing by the Board.
    • She / He is currently engaged a majority of time in industrial hygiene or occupational and environmental health and safety activities as defined in writing by the Board.
    • Where an applicant does not have an acceptable degree, experience may be substituted on the basis of two years of qualifying experience for one year of undergraduate education.
    • An Associate member may serve on committees and vote but may not be elected to the Board of Directors.
  • Retired Member| Anggota Purnakarya:
    • She / He is a Full or Associate member who is no longer actively employed in the practice of industrial hygiene or environmental health and safety.
    • Retirement is defined as paid active practice less than ten percent (10%) of the time.
    • A Retired member neither votes nor may be elected to the Board of Directors, but may serve on committees.
  • Affiliate Member| Anggota Afiliatif:
    • A person who is employed in an allied profession or has interest in or supports the industrial hygiene profession or other related professions.
    • An Affiliate member may not vote on Association issues or be elected to the Board of Directors, but may serve on committees.
  • Student Member | Anggota Mahasiswa:
    • A full-time student at the college undergraduate or graduate level may become a Student member upon application and one-time submission of a statement from his/her faculty advisor confirming status as a full-time student.
    • Additionally, an undergraduate or graduate student taking at least one-half the credit hours required for full-time undergraduate/ graduate student status may also become a student member upon application and one-time submission of a statement from his/her faculty advisor confirming the number of credit hours.
    • Student members who qualify as part-time students may continue as student members for a maximum of eight years and graduate student members who qualify as part-time students may continue as student members for a maximum of two years.
    • A student member may not vote or serve on the Board of Directors, but may serve as a non-voting member of a committee of IIHA.
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