Welcome Message

IIHA President Mila Tejamaya, S.Si, MOHS, Ph.D

Our warmest greetings to all IIHA members, HSE practitioners, academicians, students, and stakeholders.

Since being held in 2016 at the first IIHA Conference, Exhibition & Training (CONNECT), each year this event is regularly attended by regional and international speakers and other HSE professional associations. The 9th IIHA Connect 2024 opens the opportunity for attendees to exchange ideas, experiences, and solutions to advance & brighten up Occupational Hygiene in Asia and beyond.

Our upmost gratitude for all IIHA members, IOHA, and all our sponsors for their continuous support. Wishing health, safety and well-being for all of us and our family.

See you in The 9th IIHA Connect 2024, 18th-23rd August 2024!