Certified Industrial Hygiene Specialist (CIHS)

The Certified Industrial Hygiene Specialist (CIHS) is a professional certification scheme developed by IIHA which is aligned with IIHA objective to develop human resources with the highest standards in the field of Industrial Hygiene. The CIHS certification scheme is officially introduced at the 9th IIHA CONNECT on 22 August 2024 in Surabaya.

The CIHS certification scheme meets the minimum requirements established by the IOHA National Accreditation Recognition (NAR) Program. This will provide broader opportunities for Industrial Hygiene practitioners in Indonesia to get recognition internationally. This program provides a measure of proof that the Certificate Holder meets globally recognized best practices and standards.

The Board of Advisors (BOA) of the IIHA established a credentialing body, which called the Board of Indonesian Industrial Hygiene (BIIH). The Board is led by a Chair and consists of members who meet determined qualifications. The BIIH structure can be seen at Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 BIIH Structure

The BIIH members are as follow:

To learn more about CIHS please read:

The BIIH is pleased to announce the following members as Certified Industrial Hygiene Specialist (CIHS), under the Grandfathering Scheme, effective 8th November 2024. They have all met the strict requirement in specific industrial hygiene education and number of years in industrial hygiene practice. They may use the abbreviation “CIHS” after their name.

  1. Prof. Ir. Sjahrul M. Nasri, MSc, PhD, CIHS
  2. Hanafi Basuni, SKM, MKKK, DrPH, CIH, CIHS
  3. Elsye As Safira, SKM, MKKK, MSc, CIH, CIHS
  4. Mariena Syamsu Umar, ST, MSc, CIH, CIHS
  5. Mila Tejamaya, SSi, MOHS, PhD, CIHS
  6. Dr. Hendra Djamalus, SKM, MKKK, CIHS