Abstracts Submission Guideline
Subtitle Guidline
- Representative who wants to submit abstract should Create an ID before submission. You may submit more than one abstract and other types of presentation including symposium and special lecture.
- Abstracts should be written in English and should be submitted electronically using the online system only.
- Abstracts will not be edited. Authors are responsible for any spelling, grammatical or typographical errors contained in the submitted abstracts.
- Do not include image/photos/figures, tables and references in the abstract.
- Use standard abbreviations in parentheses after the full word appears at the first time
- Use sentence-style capitalization (capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the title, proper nouns, and the first word following a colon).
- Each podium presenter shall be allocated 15 minutes (12 minutes presentation and 3 minutes for questions). Podium presentation should only use PowerPoint slides in 16:9 ratio.
- The preference for oral or poster presentation should be indicated by the applicant during the submission process, however the final decision on the presentation format will be made by the Scientific and Organizing Committees.
- Successful abstract submissions will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt.
Notification of Abstract Acceptance and Author Registration
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You will receive an acknowledgement of your abstract submission right after the online submission. If you do not receive anything, please send an email to info.ioha2020@gmail.com to make sure we have received your abstract.
Submission Topics
You will be asked to select one of the submission topics below. Presentation types or topics(categories) of your submission might be changed by the ISC committee without prior notice:
- Representative who wants to submit abstract should Create an ID before submission.
- Abstracts should be written in English and should be submitted electronically using the online system only.
- Abstracts will not be edited. Authors are responsible for any spelling, grammatical or typographical
- Do not include image/photos/figures, tables and references in the abstract.
- Use standard abbreviations in parentheses after the full word appears at the first time
- Use sentence-style capitalization (capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the title, proper nouns
- Each podium presenter shall be allocated 15 minutes (12 minutes presentation and 3 minutes for questions)
- The preference for oral or poster presentation should be indicated by the applicant during the submission process
- Successful abstract submissions will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt.